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Trifecta Tuesday at The Bay
On the water by noon. Trolled around the island a few times and then straight west to the dike. Trolled south along the dike past the light pole, freeway bay and back to the marina. Landed a couple Walleye, a couple Wiper and a couple catfish. Had what I believe was a big wiper hit me hard. After a short and violent tussle he broke me off. Had 2 other hookups that managed to wiggle free. I was pulling crankbaits 60-100 ft behind planer boards at 2.3-2.8 mph. I stopped for a while and pitched some jigs and crank baits towards the rocks hoping some Bass might want to play but that didnt produce anything today.

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Trifecta Tuesday at The Bay - by tigerpincer - 06-06-2018, 01:11 AM

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