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I think there was more boats on the water
Thr. than there was Sat but Sat they were spread all over more fishing for cuts
Thr. was a good day catching Sat slowed down at 9 am. we still did good Sat.
Cuts has started showing up alot more

I was looking for you Thr. I think I saw your boat.

its neet that you was changing lures, at ice off the only thing I could catch kokes with was shrimp and a worm.

when the kokanee turn red and start to run there is a lot of them.
you wonder how did they all live through all those fisherman
people worry about releasing kokes and I do to but there is a lot left, to lay eggs and make little kokes.

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POST ACHILLES FISH TRIP - BERRY - by chinook - 06-22-2018, 03:43 PM
Re: [chinook] POST ACHILLES FISH TRIP - BERRY - by liketrolling - 06-24-2018, 02:52 PM

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