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willard confrontation
Hit Willard yesterday, bugs were horrible, fishing was horrible and had trouble with the power squadron. I fished several areas looking for some walleye before I ended up out along the west dike, then trouble came along. I was fishing approximately 50 yards out from the dike and there was five other boats in the same area when a large ski boat decided he was going between me and the dike. I couldn't believe he just done that and he continued towards the other fishing boat so I watched. Just as he got close to them he flipped a u-turn right close to them and was headed my direction again. That's was enough for me, I pulled my gear in quickly and waited. I moved to get a little closer to the dike and he was still going between me and the dike, crazy b@$$$$&(. When he was real close I moved right at him to get his attention and he stopped, yelled at me asking what my problem was. I explained to him that he wasn't at the 150' distance and I asked him why he needed to be weaving in and around the fishing boats when the whole north end of the lake was calm water to ski on. This ignorant boater proceeds to tell me how how stupid I was and jumps up on the back of his boat starts threatening me and actually invited me to come on his boat so he could kick my @$$. I just laughed at him and told him he had no respect for anyone else on the lake and shouldn't be allowed to have a boat. So I left and headed to the north marina hoping to find someone with the park service but no body. I called the park service and they said they would get in touch with whoever was on watch. So that was the end of my crappy day at Willard, I only fished 2 hours and caught 2 cats and 1 big jerk!!.
I have been on Willard over 20 days this year and I have not once seen the park service patrol out on the lake. So why are we paying for their service.

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willard confrontation - by perchound - 07-09-2018, 04:06 PM

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