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FLAMING GORGE with the granddaughters
[quote WesternWalker]It was my personal best. I have a lot between 22 and 38 but this was the biggest. I started making my own lures and they are working great testing the speed and action was my goal. If anyone wants more I formation on the type of lures let me know I can help.[/quote]

I would be very interested, will you be up there in August at all? I wouldn't mind just having you on the boat and go over some current and future setups. I have kokes fairly squared away but haven't caught any pups over 8 pounds on my own boat. Granted I haven't spent much time on the bigger macs, we usually focus on kokes and pups to put in the freezer.

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Re: [WesternWalker] FLAMING GORGE with the granddaughters - by fish_hntr - 07-15-2018, 05:42 AM

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