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Golden Trout - New State Record
[quote LOAH]

I'm hoping we can get some in other parts of the state soon. I've got suggestions o' plenty for some excellent lakes with no outlets and minimal risk of hybridization with downstream cutts.

So far, my cries have mostly been passed off as unfeasible, but I'm starting to make headway, I hope.

Logistics may be the biggest obstacle, I'm told.


Do you think the logistics are more due to lack of access to the higher lakes, or lack of available eggs?

If it's the former, then the DWR should read up on Finnis Mitchell... dude personally stocked more than 300 lakes in the Wind River Range using 5-gal milk cans and horses.

Regarding the latter, I thought I read a while back that Golden Trout eggs were no longer available from WY and WY could no longer get them from CA.

I agree with you though... plenty of lakes high enough and isolated enough in Utah where Goldens could thrive.

Echo was a huge mistake. Those fish never had a chance. Stocking Brookies is where caution should be taken... they spread like a disease up and downstream and quickly take over lakes and stunt out.

Messages In This Thread
Golden Trout - New State Record - by Joe_Dizzy - 07-19-2018, 02:06 PM
Re: [LOAH] Golden Trout - New State Record - by Joe_Dizzy - 07-24-2018, 10:38 PM

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