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silvertalon, Chick, CFF#12, 2nd PL Report, LMB, 9/8/18, Solo
I caught at least 12 fish and had about 8 keepers. 5 of which were caught before 8A. All fish were caught on 2 lures- a 6" Big Bites Talapia Trick Stick, Carolina rigged with a 1/2 oz weight and a 5/0 Gamagatsu offset worm hook. My post morning fish were caught on a 1/2 oz. double willow spinnerbait. I did have one late morning upgrade on the Trick Stick. No culls after 10A. My early rig fish were caught on a flat, in less than 6 FOW around sparse hydrilla and stumps, from a spot about the size of my boat. It was lucky that I had no execution issues- everything I hooked was boated. I'm glad I did not loose any upgrade fish as I was 3 oz. out of 1st pl. That would have been painful to have lost a big fish! I searched hard after 10 A for an upgrade but- no cigar, Just small fish. Thanks to the CFF crew and to all who came out. See you all at #13!

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silvertalon, Chick, CFF#12, 2nd PL Report, LMB, 9/8/18, Solo - by FishNews - 09-23-2018, 09:00 AM

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