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Two words - Yippee Skippee
Great Big Fish Report - glad you got a new PB and had a un-eventful trip - [fishon]

Just gotta a small question - have you caught any small (under 2') fish this year ? The reason I ask is that several years ago you would catch quite a few and the past few years I haven't seen any in that size range - of course the fisheries guy said that the fishery is fine but most everywhere I've ever fished the small fish were always at least occasionally caught.

Messages In This Thread
Two words - Yippee Skippee - by kentofnsl - 10-20-2018, 10:06 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Two words - Yippee Skippee - by Lundman - 10-24-2018, 01:12 PM

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