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Ice fishing Transducer question
As MACMAN wrote, they self adjust and hang straight down if they just hang by themselves. It appears that Vexilar has the patent to the float on the cable and I wasn't impressed with having to locate my Marcum next to the ice hole and drop the cable through a plastic arm attached to the side of the Marcum. I purchased a Vexilar float and attached it to the cable and just drop it quickly in the ice hole. I could have also used one of those noodles that are meant for children to play with in the water.

Messages In This Thread
Ice fishing Transducer question - by Crimson - 11-19-2018, 12:31 AM
Re: [Crimson] Ice fishing Transducer question - by kentofnsl - 11-19-2018, 01:17 PM

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