12-05-2018, 09:33 PM
Not sure what I was thinking going fishing in 10 degree weather but it turned into a snow storm so it warmed up some. But the fish didn’t care and even though I couldn’t get my anchor out of the locker and all my controls were frozen up so I couldn’t control the boat in those waves I still got into the fish. Got 4 nice cutties and two fair 18” Whitefish so it had to be a good day because I hardly got a decent cast in before I’d drifted out of the zone. It was fun but not easy at all. One of the toughest days I’ve had to fish. Think I’m done in the boat for the year it was hard on everything today. Got to drive home through more snow. Oh I did see Brookie and Humpy at the ramp. They headed to the other side of the lake so I don’t know how they faired today. Later J