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Anyone catching any cisco this year?
You know how the wind is always blowing up there, sometimes worse than other times. One day there is ice but the next it could be gone. It was pretty calm that morning but there was a boat trying to launch while we were there and they gave up but it looked like two other boats had gone out earlier that day because there wasn't a boat on their trailers and they were not in the marina but I'm not sure they were able to get back in because the ice was packed into the channel pretty good. All I can say for sure is there is a boat dock out at first point and that area was clear of ice, looked like you could easily launch on that side and go across to the Rock pile, if you can't get out at the State parks marina.

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Re: [RILEYFISH] Anyone catching any cisco this year? - by wiperhunter2 - 01-31-2019, 05:06 AM

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