02-10-2019, 08:29 PM
"With catfishing soon to begin it might be interesting to share favorite cat rigs as used by those who enjoy going after these big ugly fish."
Ugly? I just caught a burbot and they have catfish beat by a Texas country mile for ugly. After catching a few channels last year I began to see them as having their own unique beauty. Form follows function and a catfish is built exactly right for what it has to do.
About rigs: I learned most of what I know from you, ice_sled, and Pisco so I don't have a lot to add that would help anyone as long as those two chime in. Maybe I will try again later. Right now I guess I'm so tired from my FG trip that I'm spelling every other word wrong and I'm slowly (that is, slower) than the children of Israel were to make it to the promised land.
Ugly? I just caught a burbot and they have catfish beat by a Texas country mile for ugly. After catching a few channels last year I began to see them as having their own unique beauty. Form follows function and a catfish is built exactly right for what it has to do.
About rigs: I learned most of what I know from you, ice_sled, and Pisco so I don't have a lot to add that would help anyone as long as those two chime in. Maybe I will try again later. Right now I guess I'm so tired from my FG trip that I'm spelling every other word wrong and I'm slowly (that is, slower) than the children of Israel were to make it to the promised land.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.