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Jig Manufacturer Help
I think that some of the information presented by Therapist is factually incorrect, but the gist of his story is pretty accurate. It is pretty tough today to tell who owns who and who makes what.

I actually think it was Gary Yamamoto that first used salt, but even he lost a court case to someone else that had pattend the concept, and paid royalties for years. A different court overruled that later. Several companies make injection molds for soft plastics and the cost of the production pressure pots has dropped a lot. Most units don't cost nearly that much, and neither do most of the molds. Go to and do a search and lot of great information is available regarding these subjects.

As for Freshwater Basics, the last I heard was that they went Bankrupt. It seems consistent with someone selling product from home or purchased at discount from a jobber or a court sale. S&W is a local company, as is Angler's Den, with just one or two stores, so purchasing from a smaller jobber or re-seller makes sense. Stores like Sportsman's or Cabelas/BPS require far more product to fill, and refill, their shelves so "leftovers" not only don't make sense, they are not cost effective in the long run.

The crazy thing is that Freshwater Basics sold a good inexpensive product. I am quite sure that if they could still meet the volume required by Cabela's or Sportsman's that they would still be available at their locations.

IF, and I do mean IF, Freshwater Basics has closed their doors, then you had better get what you want before it is gone. IF, and I do mean IF, someone has their product, you should take advantage of it ASAP.

As for the Riverdale Sportsman's not being able to help sufficient to your needs, well they can only do so much. The employees don't have anymore inside information then you do. I may have been the one you talked to, and what I know I know only because I have been on for so many years, and have similar friends and connections on

What I do know for sure is that I tried previously to find their company name on the internet and came up empty. Maybe if someone has a package it will have an email, website, physical address you can contact for more accurate information.

As for the soft plastic itself, it looks like a pretty standard Kalin type bait, but Big Bite Baits, Lost Creek, Yum, and Yamamoto all make similar baits. Doing an internet search for their baits in the correct length, then searching for the color, might land you with something close enough. Maybe, just maybe.

Messages In This Thread
Jig Manufacturer Help - by gaetzchamp - 03-06-2019, 08:34 PM
Re: [Therapist] Jig Manufacturer Help - by Anglinarcher - 03-09-2019, 01:15 AM

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