03-20-2019, 03:07 PM
[#0000ff]How about an update after the big day out for team south yesterday, they took the team lead.... However, [#00bf00]Ahi wouldn't let them steal all the thunder, so he went out and nailed the first 30"er of the year... John is still holding down the top score, although Lynn is keeping him on his toes... [#bf0000]Team south is spanking the north on per fish average length, mostly because of that looser SkunkedAgain that posted 3 mud cats.... So team north get out and erase those three Minnie's off the team score... Here's the numbers... J[/#bf0000][/#00bf00][/#0000ff]
[#bf0000][inline catcon32019.PNG][/#bf0000]
[#bf0000][inline catcon32019.PNG][/#bf0000]