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Working out the kinks at Utah Lake 3/19/2019
Thanks Pat. You have now given me your former titles as "longest post writer" and "head blabber fingers." I'm not sure that is a great trend, but I have to plead guilty.

I might try a heavier leader, as you said. Over the last ten years I have gone from 8 to 10 and now to 14 pound leader, but in the murkey water I'm sure there is little danger of overdoing it.

That break off was some sort of "incidental damage," I think. I had caught half a dozen fish on that rig last fall without a problem and it broke about a foot up from the FLIG, at the swivel. I probably need to remember to replace the leader on battle worn set-ups.

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Re: [TubeDude] Working out the kinks at Utah Lake 3/19/2019 - by Piscophilic - 03-21-2019, 03:49 PM

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