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willard south dike
Thanks for the report, bum deal that you didn't get any fish. Willard can be a tough one and some days/nights it can be unusually easy. Luck of the draw I suppose.

Now....No disrespect intended, but please do us a favor if you will. Unless you ACTUALLY witnessed somebody ACTUALLY intentionally snagging fish, please refrain from referring to them in such derogatory terms as "snaggers" and such. Fishing the inlet or fishing the dikes during the spawn is really no different and completely legal. I personally can't stand the idea of fishing with a mob at the inlet, but I've had some incredibly easy and productive fishing during the spawn in years past fishing the dikes in the evening and at night with loads of walleyes brought to net. I surely wasn't snagging them though. The walleyes use both the inlet AND the dikes for spawning, but get a little more concentrated at the inlet obviously. Could be that the gentleman you spoke with just wanted to take his kids fishing somewhere that he could manage them and they stood a chance of catching a fish. That said, I have no ill feelings toward you and appreciate that you posted the conditions and your success or lack thereof, it was very informative and helpful.

If you DO see someone actually snagging and keeping fish please call the sheriffs dispatch number and turn them in and they will be dealt with hopefully. Again, no disrespect intended.


Messages In This Thread
willard south dike - by doitall5000 - 04-04-2019, 07:39 PM
Re: [doitall5000] willard south dike - by gmwahl - 04-04-2019, 08:28 PM

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