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Blue Lake Fishing Report

The Cowboy- Pirate crew made a run out to blue lake today. Main purpose was to check how accessible it would be for Buckwheats wheelchair. Glad we checked. Not a great option. See videolink for more on disabled access. That said the boys had a hoot messing with the panfish. Simple jigs or spinners got it done. The largemouth bass on the other hand had lock jaw. We threw everything at them. George got one, but nothing else. They were starting to bed so it should get better quick. The place was loaded with people doing suba certifications and a big group swimming, so that did not help the fishing either. There are some really nice bass in this little body of water. And I we were able to check Tilipia off our Utah Fishing grandslam list for 2019. That's 4 species so far.

A little of the action and some cowboy-pirate tomfoolery in the video link below.

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Blue Lake Fishing Report - by Cowboypirate - 04-05-2019, 05:31 AM

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