02-23-2004, 02:04 AM
My two boys and I were at the Hailstone side from 1-6 pm. Quite a crowd on the ice. Of course, a Klondike derby didn't help with crowd control either. 99% of crowd were fishing in deeper water, so we decided to fish a little closer to shore. Started at 19 ft. with hardly any bites, dinks at most. Drilled more holes toward the shore and found the fish at 12 ft. Caught 40+ perch and brought home 20 good sized ones. We also caught one 10" rainbow and 2 chunky chubs, which we released back to the lake. I was going to try the south boat ramp but access to it was blocked by a bunch of scouters and their gear. Maybe next time. All the perch that I filleted were either full of eggs or full of sperms. You are right, Tomegun, perch are in pre-spawn mode. Sorry to hear about your slow days at lake x.