02-23-2004, 09:42 PM
Attached is a photo of my equipment I use for my ice assaults. My sled is set up to be towed by my ATV but on this day I pulled it out onto the ice. The green box is cushioned so I don't carry a pail. There is plenty of room inside for all my gear including a PEE can so I don't leave anything behind.I also have a portable shanty we use on windy days.
Gear consists of: Mako shark ice auger, Aqua-vu camera, Hummingbird fish finder, 10 assorted style of tipups, 6 jigging poles with variety of test line and many other assorted pieces necessary for the ice. This set up has worked very well for me over the years. I also have pails and baskets, hand auger for when the travel requires a lighter load.
I really enjoy this sport weather the fish are in the bitting mood or not, you can't beat a day on the ice. It is the best cure for cabin fever and makes the winters fly by.
Gear consists of: Mako shark ice auger, Aqua-vu camera, Hummingbird fish finder, 10 assorted style of tipups, 6 jigging poles with variety of test line and many other assorted pieces necessary for the ice. This set up has worked very well for me over the years. I also have pails and baskets, hand auger for when the travel requires a lighter load.
I really enjoy this sport weather the fish are in the bitting mood or not, you can't beat a day on the ice. It is the best cure for cabin fever and makes the winters fly by.