05-21-2019, 01:44 AM
Chironomids can drive you crazy on reservoirs, especially ones with high, seasonal fluctuations in water levels. I have trouble locating where they are actually emerging from. Most of the chironomid-caught fish I get seem to be in areas close to shore where the prevailing winds are collecting the pupae as they near the surface.
I have yet to find any consistency (area wise) on reservoirs where I can rely on a deep bite of chironomids year to year. Strawberry and Little Dell are pretty steady for me... LC is hit/miss on chironomids for me... I find em, but its usually too late as the zipping swallows tip me off. Next season they seem to be in a different spot.
You're right on the money diet-wise though... chironomids and daphnia. The attached pics were in the throat of a 20" rainbow from Lost Creek last spring.
I have yet to find any consistency (area wise) on reservoirs where I can rely on a deep bite of chironomids year to year. Strawberry and Little Dell are pretty steady for me... LC is hit/miss on chironomids for me... I find em, but its usually too late as the zipping swallows tip me off. Next season they seem to be in a different spot.
You're right on the money diet-wise though... chironomids and daphnia. The attached pics were in the throat of a 20" rainbow from Lost Creek last spring.