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deerhunter09, CFF Nickajack Riverpark, Bass, 6/14/2019, Stacy (ned rig)
We ran across the river from the ramp a little ways down and started fishing in behind some docks and on the second cast I pulled in our first keeper it was a long and skinny large mouth. Then a few pitches later I got a spot then my partner catch's another spot so we have three in the live well the first 15 min. into the tx. We culled our smallest spot with a 19" small mouth later on into the night. We caught over 20 small mouth thru out the night but they all were 12" to 14". The bait of choice was a jig. I know we lost over 30 jigs with the current flowing so fast. On another note we was finishing up under the ol Johnny bridge and we heard someone yelling for help, we both turned around and saw a ski boat floating down river so we go over to see what the problem was and they told us that they ran out of gas and would we tow them over to the dock. I saw them flag another boat down a few minutes before that and I ask them what those guys said when they ask for help, and they told us the guys in the other boat said that they where fishing a tx and did not help them. Don't know who was in the other boat but guys tx or not you should never leave anyone out on the water that needs help.

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deerhunter09, CFF Nickajack Riverpark, Bass, 6/14/2019, Stacy (ned rig) - by FishNews - 06-22-2019, 09:00 AM

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