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Report on Marshall and Hover lakes in the Uintas
Sounds like there are some die hard brookie guys waiting for a cool down to go try Marshall. We ought to get a gathering planned of brookie nuts and make a go of it. I can haul in the stove, some sloppy joe mix and a load of appropriate puns. Maybe we could even see if Tubedudes rig floats on somthing that dosent have cats under it....

Did you ever get into Atwood Basin to try out the lake I mentioned? I heard Bob's lake, over in the middle fork of the Black might be worth a hike too. Need to check that rumor out. Brookie rumors are like my addition to chasing gold.....

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Re: [brookieguy1] Report on Marshall and Hover lakes in the Uintas - by Cowboypirate - 08-13-2019, 01:41 PM

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