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My 2019 Gardens/Flowerbeds
Today I harvested the ground garden beds back by the pine trees (whose roots have badly inundated those beds, so we're moving away from ground gardening there the future). This garden has had no frost cloths, but the trees must have protected them some cause nothing had frost damage up there yet. But I sure it will have this by this weekend.

That is a funny colored squash. Kind cool looking.

Now NO laughing, but this is a picture of the single SP plant's harvest from that ground bed. Even Jeff was excited to at least see that we able to grow something up there. The bell peppers were supposed to be orange and red ones, only couple made it to full red, no orange, so we'll see if they taste okay green or if they are too green to be tasty.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to harvest the stuff from the bales. There are two SP plants in those bales so it'll be interesting to break apart what's left of the bales as they seem to have grown the best vines and see if they grew any more SPs. The peppers in bales were so over shadowed by those massive cabbages.

More tomorrow. then we'll sort thru all tomatoes to put the greenest ones down first, so the more ripe ones will be at the top. Then we'll try storing them once again. Of course We'll save out few for fried green tomatoes to go with dinner. Yummy.

Messages In This Thread
My 2019 Gardens/Flowerbeds - by jjannie - 06-25-2019, 01:19 AM
Re: [wiperhunter2] My 2019 Gardens/Flowerbeds - by jjannie - 09-26-2019, 10:15 PM
RE: My 2019 Gardens/Flowerbeds - by wiperhunter2 - 04-24-2020, 02:04 PM

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