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good day at Strawberry to day, got a strange fish
[quote kentofnsl]Were you tipping your tube jigs and if yes with what?[/quote]

Worms, had two hooks, worm on each hook,
I had a nother tube that worked better than that one, it was a glow if you look at it it is a clear white, I had white glow beads in the body and when it is charged with a UV light it glows a light green. that was what was working when the fish were down 35 feet
I bought them from sportsmens, 3 1/2" have a lot of salt in them.

worms were working real good

the cuts over 16" were real good fighters. I got a lot that were 20"
I don't think I got any over 21"

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Re: [kentofnsl] good day at Strawberry to day, got a strange fish - by liketrolling - 10-03-2019, 03:12 PM

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