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Confessions of a Convert - bank-tangler that is
Well, I planned to, and started, a complete restore on it (the boat) and figured it was an excuse to try the grand slam off the bank this year whilst working on my project. I plan on finishing the restore this winter so I can use it. I have no plans to stop fishing from a floating rig, but the bank tangling challenge has intrigued me. It's hard to catch some of the species from land. Maybe nearly impossible in some cases without cheating and using ice. Which, to stubborn minded folk, who long since lost most thier wits, ( speaking of me here) hate to leave such a challenge undone. Besides figuring out how to catch a koke or burbot from the shore could keep me out of my wife's hair for years. She might actually grant me access to her shoe account to fund that.

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Re: [kentofnsl] Confessions of a Convert - bank-tangler that is - by Cowboypirate - 10-09-2019, 08:59 PM

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