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Wednesday musky hunt
Took my to grand kids out this morning to Pineview. Arrived at 10 o'clock easy launch. Good looking morning about 8 other boats today. Pay station was boarded up, no way to pay, Free.
That's true there is no docks but easy beach landing and boarding. (Muirco).
See picture of dock at 10 am.
By 10:35 up to a 20 mph wind, that's an ugly word for my 16 ft aluminum craft. Jetted over to cemetery point north side but could not deal with the wind. Headed to the north beach and fish for 2 hours, dragging my usual favorites , saw a few big fish on the sonar in about 24 ft. Heard them laugh at me...
Latter wind let up a little, went back to the north side of cemetery point and watched a bass boat catch on good smallie, but the wind still was a pain. Beautiful morning and the kids were great and had fun anyway.
Saw some small schools maybe crappie but wind prevented me from hovering.
About 2 o'clock the wind got bigger as a front came in from the north. Picture shows time to get out.

I think I'll hit strawberry for the boys to have some catching,

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Wednesday musky hunt - by doitall5000 - 10-23-2019, 10:37 PM

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