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Need help with Flaming Gorge ideas
We used to take dirt road No. 11. This road is located between Buckboard and the confluence. If you have a machine, we would travel due east and drive over to the cliffs on the east side & catch a lot of fish. If you are on foot, we would make a right about half way on this road and fish the cliffs on the west side (just a good walking distance to get to the fish).

I have always done good (maybe better than the average) with Radical Glow jigs - chartreuse or white. Don’t discount chub meat, caught a lot of fish over there with a jig tipped with chub meat. Make sure your hooks are sharp.

We generally fish until midnight then head into town and stay in a motel. Wake up, have a good breakfast and then head out fishing. You are definitely tougher than I am, if your wanting to spend the night on the ice.

One thing about FG, we have fished one day and slay the fish. Go out the next day, fish the same holes and not get a bite. The fish move around. One more thing, use a stiff backed rod with braided line. For the most part, we were trying to hook a fish in 100 FOW. It is nearly impossible to get a deep hookset with the equipment your using at Strawberry - my 2 cents.

Messages In This Thread
Need help with Flaming Gorge ideas - by catchinon - 12-24-2019, 05:54 PM
Re: [catchinon] Need help with Flaming Gorge ideas - by OCF - 12-25-2019, 03:16 AM

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