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Blue76, Chick, LM, 12-28
I don’t get a chance to fish much anymore but I went out this morning. Totally sucked. Started up around the bridge on possum creek. Marked bait and what I thought were bass. Nothing. Fished the bank and blow downs around there. Nothing. Ran to the mouth of the creek and found a lot of bait. No bass for me. Ran over to a slough on the other side. Nothing. Bounced in and out of creeks and sloughs all the way back to HBSP. Not even a bite. <br />Is anyone catching anything? One spot I went to had someone on it so i stopped below it a ways. Saw them catch a couple on that spot but that was all the catching i saw. <br />Not asking for anyone’s secret spot but wondering what are the baits people are catching fish with now and how deep? Just looking for a head start I guess. <br />Greg

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Blue76, Chick, LM, 12-28 - by FishNews - 01-06-2020, 10:00 AM

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