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What is the best weather for ice fishing?
I can settle this once and for all! The absolute best weather for fishing is the weather that occurs on the days that you can go fishing. I have long time friends who swear by the tables that show the best periods and dates.
That's great if you are truly retired, don't have any other commitments and have a significant other who really could care less if you're there or not.

The rest of us have to deal with these various factors that determine when and where you can go and chase fish.

So here's TopH20's theory of the best weather for ice fishing. Check the most dependable weather forecast, see if the good weather days coincide with your available days to fish and make a decision. If the weather is going to be bad, take the shelter that you spent hard earned money to purchase. If it's predicted to be windy, take the shelter. If it's slushy on the water you plan to fish or if there is deep snow, take your snowmobile and not your ATV (thanks K2).

Don't listen to the guys who swear by the sol-lunar tables. Go when you can go and enjoy being out, being above room temperature and breathing in and out. If you catch some fish, all the better. If you don't catch anything, you were still not at work or in another environment where you are not valued and appreciated.

Now go fish!


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