03-28-2020, 01:48 PM
Cowboypirate pid= Wrote:Jeff, (or TinCan) Cookie would like her bump board approved. All decoration are hers. Please allow me to stay in as an honorary member, even if the decorations get us pulled from the forum for blatant attempts at feminising our congregation. She would not let me put the back board on. In her words " I plan on catching one longer than 36" and you wont be able to measure it if you have the back board on"! I do love my bride and her endurable optimism.
Approved, great decorations, I just wonder when you measure your fish on that board, if you'll put your placard over the girls rule or will you post it proudly? Looking forward to Cookies 36"er. Nice board, thanks. Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!