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Kokanee setup with inline planer boards?
Guess I'd like to add my 2 cents to the conversation.  Probably not worth that much but I digress.  I've tried Dipsy Divers, and I've tried a similar method as Liketrolling (50 ft wieght, 50 ft planer board, 50 ft off the side of the boat).  I've found that, after a seminar from Art Pierce from Kokanee Creek Tackle, his method works the best for me.  You have your regular setup of squid dodger or whatever you use to catch kokanee.  You attach your snap wieght about 2 ft or so from your dodger or the distance that you can net your fish and STILL have the snap weight attached to your line.  I use a similar chart to the one Liketrolling posted for amount of line do get to the desired depth and then attach the planer board, then out whatever distance I feel like away from the boat.  This usually depends on the amount of boat traffic in the area I'm fishing.  I found that I would loose fish using the 50-50-50 method because I would be taking the planer board off, then the weight and every time giving the fish a chance to get off.  This method the only opportunity for that happening is when releasing the board.  Also, I've found that if I set the line correctly in the board with a simple hookset the clip on the front of the board (on mine the orange clip) releases and only the clip on the back (the red clip) is attached to the line so you are not fighting the board as you come in.  I happen to use Off Shore planer boards and have thought about trying others, such as the clearboard, but just don't use the planers other than early spring and when I'm using six or more rods in the boat.  Dipsies seem to have the similar issues about releasing when hooking a fish and in my humble opinion are harder on your rods than snap weights.  I guess just like anything with fishing we experiment with it all until we find something that works for us.  One more reason I like snap weights is the flexibility to use lighter or heavier weights to get me to whatever depth I'm gunning for.  Good luck with whatever you choose!!!!

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RE: Kokanee setup with inline planer boards? - by knottyhookr - 04-19-2020, 07:31 PM

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