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Twin Lakes (south east)
Wiperhunter2, the Sad part is, the Consolidated Canal Company that has Glendale pays several people to just sit there and check to see if you have had an inspection.  The state has offered to certify their employees to do inspections like they have chosen to do at Twin Lakes, but for some unknown reason that has never really been flushed out or given a reasonable explanation, the Canal Company decided not to get their employees through an inspection program by the State. Seems really stupid to me.  And I do think that recreation and fishing activities would go up and many folks would not object as loud as they do now and the county would once again show a little up tick in the economy if they did the on sight inspections.

Here is the really ironic part of this whole thing.  Oneida Narrows, who really stands to loose so much more should the Quagga Mussel get into their water system and shut down the power generating due to the mussel, does not require such inspections but relies on the current state law  to keep the system clean.  And it works.  I remember the canal companies back when, saying give it only a few years and Onieda will get the mussels and then see who is at fault.  Well, here we are years down the road and Oneida gets the same users, and more that the canal company waters get and it's still clean.  So go figure that one out and get the canal companies to justify that one.  And ask the Senetor for that area to show how the canal companies are any different than Oneida waters and why there is a ton of State money dumped into the canal company coffers to help stop the mussel yet nothing goes into the Oneida water system and it is still clean?  Just try to figure that one out.

I know it's not going to change at all, and I am sorry that this started out asking if Twin was open yet or when, and it turned into this, but, this needs to be brought up now and again and F&G needs to really start looking how and where they spend our tax dollars and monies gained through the sale of fishing and hunting equipment etc. and start enforcing some of the agreements they have with these canal companies including minimum pool and the agreements they had when they put in these public access points and equipment for use by sportsmen and all water users.

But for some reason, this has stopped being an issue for them and it just continues to move down the road as if everything is hunky dory. 

Just enjoy were we can boat and fish at any one given time/day and be glad we can still get out dispite this nasty virus.

Messages In This Thread
Twin Lakes (south east) - by hunter12 - 04-23-2020, 09:28 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by duksnfish - 04-24-2020, 10:45 AM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by meancuznalfy - 04-24-2020, 02:34 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by duksnfish - 04-25-2020, 01:06 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by wiperhunter2 - 04-25-2020, 02:26 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by meancuznalfy - 04-25-2020, 03:12 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by duksnfish - 04-26-2020, 11:33 AM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by wiperhunter2 - 04-26-2020, 12:41 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by meancuznalfy - 04-26-2020, 04:58 PM
RE: Twin Lakes (south east) - by duksnfish - 04-27-2020, 12:46 PM

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