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Sad news (no, nobody died, but...
Hey Ben, it has been my pleasure to have made your acquaintance... had we lived closer up here I would have loved to spent more time fishing with you, you have been a great friend and I hope just cause you move, won't mean you don't keep in touch on the forum. Thanks for all you have added to the forum over the years and best of luck in a well deserved retirement... Be safe and have fun... best of luck... Jeff

Oh and those hush puppies are still the best I've ever had in this part of the country... thanks for the recipe, but I can't make them like you, not even close... J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

Messages In This Thread
Sad news (no, nobody died, but... - by catchinon - 05-27-2020, 03:33 PM
RE: Sad news (no, nobody died, but... - by SkunkedAgain - 05-28-2020, 04:15 PM

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