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Is WD40 a good idea for fish attractant?
Once I was sturgeon fishing and we couldn't get a bite on pickled herring (our usual go-to bait). We decided to see if we could catch some crappie (which has worked occasionally). Between the three of us, we managed to catch one crappie. We went back to the same hole, where we had already been skunked, and each of us took 1/3 of the crappie and cast out. In just a few minutes we each caught a sturgeon. I figured if they would hit crappie that surely they would like trout morts. So, the next morning I picked up a bag of rainbow morts, from the convenience store, at the gas station on the way. We fished morts, and as I recall, we got one or two bites all day long.

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RE: Is WD40 a good idea for fish attractant? - by kentofnsl - 06-29-2020, 11:42 PM

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