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Strawberry very quite for us in more then 1 way
One of my wife’s good friends came out to pick up a pup from a relative and brought her son who loves to fish so as the girls did their thing today I took Grant up to the Berry to catch his 1st koke and cutt. Went out to where Bduck and I got them the past 2 weeks and only found cutts, very few marks on the graph that looked like kokes so we started searching finally found a few and ended up getting 3, 2 dinks that were released and 1 keeper. The cutts were pretty much nonstop with over 25 landed and released with lots of others the were SDR’s. Caught up with Robert later in the am and chatted and plowed the same water for awhile, I’ll just say I should of zigged instead of zagged. Good to get a couple fish checked off Grants list and he was a pleasure to have onboard. The other quite part was the lack of boats, it was real quite in the lot and on the lake, pretty much nobody parked in the 2nd row at the launch and the 1st row had plenty of spots. 
[Image: F4-F6-FE1-C-5397-43-A5-A99-F-AA0623232770.jpg]

[Image: 29-DEB513-A6-C7-4386-AEE9-C8-F541353-D84.jpg]

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Strawberry very quite for us in more then 1 way - by 2knots - 07-28-2020, 02:10 AM

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