Kory and I made a run to Lost Creek yesterday to get him a supply of chubs for bait. I took the boat, this time, so that we could first try to catch a trout or two. Kory was able to catch five rainbows and one cutthroat and I manged to lose three trout. We then turned our attention to catching chubs. We first just stopped where we ended up after fishing for trout. We were catching some, on a fairly consistent basis, but I told Kory that it was extremely slow for catching chubs. We then moved to an area that I hoped was more promising. It was a wise move and catching chubs was fast and furious. It was a good feeling, at the end of the day, when I only kept 9 smaller chubs, to be fished whole, and Kory took home all of the rest.
Rather than buying those mushy shiners, that the Minnow Man is selling these days, many more of you should take advantage of catching and processing the surplus chubs that exist in Lost Creek, Scofield and a few other places. They are easily caught from the shore.
Rather than buying those mushy shiners, that the Minnow Man is selling these days, many more of you should take advantage of catching and processing the surplus chubs that exist in Lost Creek, Scofield and a few other places. They are easily caught from the shore.