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Strawberry Thursday was decent
Probably nothing people don't already know, but Strawberry treated us pretty well on Thursday.  Due to working commitments, my buddy and I weren't able to get up there until about 4:15.  But, the fishing was good.  Throwing jigs.  White always seems to work for me in the fall, and it did Thursday as well.  My second choice in the fall is usually pink...  either straight bubble gum or pink with dark flecks.  Pink with flecks was really good too. tipped with just enough nightcrawler to add some scent.

Caught fish each place we looked...  around Haws and in the Meadows....  all produced. 

Because of our late afternoon arrival, we stayed till dark.  Just before dark, fish were everywhere on the surface, and we didn't let the jigs sink at all when they hit the surface we started the retrieval.  

Caught 5 rainbows, which I was happy about. 

We put everything back that we caught.  I ended up with 35.  Buddy caught a little less than that....

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Strawberry Thursday was decent - by Hookinup - 09-26-2020, 03:59 PM

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