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[laugh]LOL,, all god's creatures will do strange things,, or what we might think is goofy..

Moon's ago while a bunch of us were behind Geneva fishing for Cats a pal of mine got frustrated after not getting bit and decided to try something completely off track.. We'd all been to Micky_D's just before heading down behind Geneva so he walked back to his pickup and brought down what he had left of a Big Mac attach.. Yep,, he hooked up a big chuck of burger and flipped it out about 30' while hanging under a bobber.. We all laughed our but#'s off but 15 minutes later we were all digging for left over Big Mac after he'd landed a 3 pound male Eye. Personally,, I always figured it must have had something to do with the special sauce because no self-respecting eye would merely go for that hamburger.. LOL!

Last winter at Scolfield my brother got sick of being left out of the bite and started goofing off.. He'd been using the same rig the rest of us had but hadnt had a bite all day.. Just being goofing he sweetend the jig with a chuck of chip then dropped it down the hole and boom!,, he handed a nice bow. He then left without gettin' skunked for the day,,lol!

I suppose it just goes to prove,, they'll bite what they bite and perhaps find the most interesting. And just maybe like or anyone else,, sometimes a change is simply the best thing..

Messages In This Thread
WHO'S BEEN OUT FOR EYE'S LATELY - by crossineye - 03-05-2004, 12:33 AM
Re: [TheJensenKid15] WHO'S BEEN OUT FOR EYE'S LATELY - by Coldfooter - 03-06-2004, 07:47 AM

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