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Scouting for ice
Ran up to Tony Grove to see if the ice was ok around 1pm today, 19 degrees and 6-8”s of snow around the lake. Tried to get out on the lake and it was all slush with the last snow. Depending on what comes from the next storm access by vehicle could be out if there’s not a lot of traffic
[Image: 263-D12-D4-654-A-456-A-A9-F6-CB78-F205-F8-B8.jpg]

[Image: B7-EDD5-C7-F5-B1-4-C1-F-98-BE-C8-B3-D327-E1-F5.jpg]

[Image: 03-D7-F2-E6-8-D7-C-472-B-94-EB-F81-C175900-FD.jpg]

[Image: 1-AF2-E77-B-E44-D-4-A70-B954-FC22601-DE78-B.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Scouting for ice - by 2knots - 11-12-2020, 11:36 PM
RE: Scouting for ice - by SkunkedAgain - 11-13-2020, 01:30 PM
RE: Scouting for ice - by 2knots - 11-13-2020, 02:36 PM

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