11-30-2020, 10:34 PM
(11-30-2020, 10:28 PM)brookie Wrote: Sorry Jeff and others, that was me that made the less than complimentary comment about BL Whitefish as an "eater". I apologize as my comparison basis is with kokanee. And yeah I know there are those that do not care for kokanee. We all have our favorites. That said, I am really needing a fishing fix, so I am going to eat a little crow, or better yet BL whitefish, and make the trip to BL on Wednesday morning. If successful, I will try smoking them - that usually makes anything taste good.Pictures sent by those reporting show no snow on the rocks along the east side. Supposed to be a light dusting late tonight but not enough to even make the roads slick. Wednesday is forecast to be sunny and cold...with only light breezes in the morning.
Coming from Utah county, it is a long way, generally best through Evanston. Still deciding whether to drag the boat or just jet up there in the car and fish from shore. Anyone know if there is any significant snow on the ground around BL? That may help with the decision.
Well - to all those I offended with my comments - I am sorry. This COVID stuff has made me cantankerous. I will try to be more respectful in the future. I am sure the comments were made in ignorance on my part. Thanks guys.
And, about the palatability of whitefish. It is always a matter of personal opinion. But overall, qualitywise, most who try them rate them on a par with good trout. The meat is white, firm and flaky. Not much of a "unique" taste at all. As with all fish, the end results are determined more by how you care for the fish before cooking and how you cook them rather than the actual type of fish. But, on a personal note, comparing them to kokanee is like comparing chicken nuggets to prime rib.