12-09-2020, 03:34 AM
I had one. This would have been the third season with it. I sold it about a month ago.
Great little machines. Just some things I learned. Take it for what it’s worth.
- stud the track. Huge difference
- Always, always, always, keep the throttle oiled.
- if you didn’t get the sled along with it. Make sure to put runners on the back of your tow sled. Absolutely required
- the best transport for me was a heavy duty hitch carrier. Best way by far for me.
Hope you enjoy yours.
Great little machines. Just some things I learned. Take it for what it’s worth.
- stud the track. Huge difference
- Always, always, always, keep the throttle oiled.
- if you didn’t get the sled along with it. Make sure to put runners on the back of your tow sled. Absolutely required
- the best transport for me was a heavy duty hitch carrier. Best way by far for me.
Hope you enjoy yours.