03-09-2021, 07:23 PM
(03-09-2021, 06:51 PM)Piscophilic Wrote: Thanks for another fun and inspiring report. I'm glad you didn't take the no-go option. I thought I was going to be harrassing the kitties at Utah Lake by now, but my basment finish is not quite done. Finished the flooring yesterday and now it is just a few final touches and then i'll get after them.Tanks yer own self. Appreciate the feedback. Hoping you and Julie can resume speed soon and provide us with some more outstanding reports.
Looking like it might be an early spring! Keep up the great work!
Between upcoming weather forecasts and some personal commitments I'm not sure when I can head south to harass the UL denizens. But I'm definitely gonna get after 'em ASAP. We got a long season ahead. Hoping we can bring in some yardlongs.