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Possible tough Koke fishing at Jordanelle theory
I think you make some very valid points in your theory. Splake, Browns, Wiper, Musky, Smallmouth, (I've heard of a few Walleye), even rainbows will take their toll on the 2.5" smelt the DWR plants.

I also think there is a healthy dose of Kokanee will be Kokanee. I would wager there are less than 20 or 30 people in the state that caught more Kokes than I did last year, but there were a few days that I couldn't seem to buy a bite, especially in August. My mind went to all sorts of different conclusions: "The COVID crowd fished them out! The power squadron has them scared up into the coves!" ad nauseum. In reality, they moved on me as they began to stage to spawn, and once I found where they went and what they wanted (it was oddly specific), I was back in business.

Jordanelle seems to be a case of the fish biologists throwing "stuff" at the wall, and seeing what sticks. Seems that Kokanee will stick rather well, if managed correctly.

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RE: Possible tough Koke fishing at Jordanelle theory - by BYUHunter - 05-07-2021, 04:50 PM

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