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Strawberry garmin live scope
I can put 1 hr of video on youtube of my garmin live scope from Strawberry and some may see fish do stuff you did not think they did

the bad thing is they just came out with a update and now some times when I look back at my  dodgers the downrigger ball will black the screen out also a school of fish, will black it out.     today I had a ball down 30 feet and the dodger was down 35 feet with a set back of 20 feet
I can see back 70 feet and 70 feet in front of the boat.  but have to turn the live scope the way I want to look with the live scope transducer. the other transducer   30 feet both ways.
also today saw a fish go to the ball then go up the wire 10 feet.  put a camera down saw one fish try to get the dodger hit it hard.

the fish were not to spooky  even the ones up high.  short set back worked just as good as long set backs.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry garmin live scope - by liketrolling - 05-14-2021, 01:07 AM
RE: Strawberry garmin live scope - by doitall5000 - 05-14-2021, 01:50 AM
RE: Strawberry garmin live scope - by TroutScout - 05-15-2021, 03:30 PM

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