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My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’.
Needed at least four today so went to UL.
Caught 3-4 dozen fish but only two species.
Now I’m really feeling the pinch.
Two more days left to catch 6 more species.
Here is #8 and #9.
[Image: 5-F966-A7-E-2-DEA-4269-92-ED-FFB2-B88972-B8.jpg]

[Image: 14-FDBF2-B-EE80-465-C-A62-E-17-F467-FA379-A.jpg]

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RE: My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’. - by MrShane - 07-29-2021, 12:26 AM

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