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Cowboy's ghost carp (Really Cookie's Cats)
I managed to drag myself out of my slumber early this morning to run to Willard. Wanted to meet up with Pat to pick up some more trinkets. Decided while we were there we might as well fish, cause well, we were there. Water is so low. Decided to fish the channel coming out of the marina. Pat and Lee must have been good luck, because just as Pat came through fish on. Barely got that one off when Lee floated by and bam. Cat number 2. 3 and 4 followed pretty close behind and then nothing. The minute the sun hit the water they were gone. Not huge cats, 24" probably. Just perfect for tonight's dinner. 
I will include the video of this morning's adventure. You will notice part way through the video, Cowboy catches a ghost carp on one of Pat's trinkets. (Just watch the video. I don't even know what he was doing)
Now I can't wait to try my new trinkets at Rockport.

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Cowboy's ghost carp (Really Cookie's Cats) - by CookiePirate - 07-29-2021, 09:24 PM

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