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My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’.
Thanks everybody.
Today was a long day but very fruitful.
I fished at Daybreak Lake 
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[Image: 44-E3-D9-B7-534-D-4514-B1-BE-7-EE8-C7-DD8-F66.jpg]

[Image: A53-D1-EF5-A014-47-F6-9-A58-AB7-E01-C8053-A.jpg]

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[Image: 60-BEF052-3-DC3-4875-B9-F1-89-C554-B5957-B.jpg]

today and collected a Channel, my personal best Bluegill, and a Green Sunfish.

Then off to Mill Hollow for my Tiger Trout and Brook Trout.
I then went to Trial Lake to fish the outflow creek, where I used to catch Grayling.
Fished from outlet of dam to highway and only picked up a few Rainbows.
The Green Sunfish is pretty small so shall we agree I am at #13 1/2?

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RE: My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’. - by MrShane - 07-30-2021, 02:49 AM

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