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My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’.
Cool post. I haven't tried to get a certain number of species within a certain (short) time, but I keep track of my species (and counts) annually. I'm having my best year ever in the history of me this year. Here are a few that I still need to get:

1. Brown. I've been up a fished a few streams with some friends...they've all caught browns...I haven't. Just unlucky.
2. Crappie. I've actually caught very few over the years and were mostly incidental. I might try my luck in the fall at Pineview with a friend.
3. Sunfish. Likely hit a few local ponds, they've got to be in there.
4. Grayling. Not sure if I'm going to pursue this. I don't want to hike.

Theres a few more of course, but those are the likely-to-be-able-to-get ones. I was having a record year anyway on species counts, at 19 for the year so far, and then my wife and I went to Alaska (first time) and scored another 9 species. Then went with Kent and caught a few chubs (200 or so) and so now I'm at 29. I doubt I'll ever do this well again, since all the lakes will be dried up next year (...hope not) so I'm pushing it this year!

Cool post!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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RE: My ‘Utah Gamefish 15 in 5 Challenge’. - by N.E.T.O. - 08-03-2021, 05:13 PM

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