08-15-2021, 06:46 PM
sum things age well and better than others
been a hot one 21 worth of trip digits days has the garden way behind but fruits n vegs of labor are harvested
made plans for the next day to float from the dam back to camp
called the mrs. that night, she doesnt cry nor hang up on me a lot, but when she does theres usually gonna be a change of plans involved
and as a precursor of this summer i was gonna come back early and deal with my dads problems and she misses her god and i better be takin good care of him
the neighbors both had the covids, utah was peakinglike predicted and
i better be adhering to the common sense limited interactions to necessities and covering my face things i told here i was gonna do while traveling during a mass global pandemic.
Looking back at mt and wyo numbers for that time i was probably safer on the road
as the numbers were still quite low there and very little of the local populations were takin much precautions
except every fly shop was no mask no enter.
and i still could fish my way homeward bound but better be back for the weekend
the spinners showed up to cheer me up
its a cycle of life thing
try n focus
10/10 would and will be makin plansand hopes to be back to that camp
Woke and broke camp said goodbye to new friends
hit the road to check another classic western waters of the list
checked out the river and ramp conditions
and decided to try and find a downstream camp resupply at the sunrise fly shop
awesome store btw
and ended up you are here
hugeness is a state of mind
by the time we scored a camp and headed back
weather conditions had changed
we were probably gonna git wet and it was gonna be a hard day on the sticks with 4 of us in the boat
been a hot one 21 worth of trip digits days has the garden way behind but fruits n vegs of labor are harvested
made plans for the next day to float from the dam back to camp
called the mrs. that night, she doesnt cry nor hang up on me a lot, but when she does theres usually gonna be a change of plans involved
and as a precursor of this summer i was gonna come back early and deal with my dads problems and she misses her god and i better be takin good care of him
the neighbors both had the covids, utah was peakinglike predicted and
i better be adhering to the common sense limited interactions to necessities and covering my face things i told here i was gonna do while traveling during a mass global pandemic.
Looking back at mt and wyo numbers for that time i was probably safer on the road
as the numbers were still quite low there and very little of the local populations were takin much precautions
except every fly shop was no mask no enter.
and i still could fish my way homeward bound but better be back for the weekend
the spinners showed up to cheer me up
its a cycle of life thing
try n focus
10/10 would and will be makin plansand hopes to be back to that camp
Woke and broke camp said goodbye to new friends
hit the road to check another classic western waters of the list
checked out the river and ramp conditions
and decided to try and find a downstream camp resupply at the sunrise fly shop
awesome store btw
and ended up you are here
hugeness is a state of mind
by the time we scored a camp and headed back
weather conditions had changed
we were probably gonna git wet and it was gonna be a hard day on the sticks with 4 of us in the boat
"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom