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jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021
Since our greenhouse has been such a nice convenient way to extend our growing season, we've decided to add an extension to our Harbor Freight 10x12. So this thread will be all about our progress posting. 
The background:
We picked up a new-in-box used one earlier this year. It was never even assembled, but was a good price we figured it's meet our needs. However, once we got it home and started unboxing it we quickly learned that leaf cutting wasps had filled most of the corrugated panels with their waxy nests, some even still had live larvae in them, even few spiders had ventured in. It took about 3 weeks of a little work now and then to finally get all the panels cleared out as good as we could get them. Very tedious work, but once all were cleaned out,  we sealed them off using a breathable tape at the bottom ends so bugs cannot work their way up inside once again and sealer tape at the tops to moisture cannot get  down inside. (We did this to the original panels and as well and it has worked wonderfully.)

Took some time to vacation, go fishing and gardening.... then got back to work on the GH. 

Time to lay down the foundation:

We started clearing the space to lay the foundation we would need. We knew we could not fit another full 10x12. But we could do a 10x8 portion of one. We ran into many obstacles - the ground was cement hard having not been watered by us for more than 10 years and it was SUPER rocky with larger rocks some of which were 6 inches or larger. We tried a pick axe, a heavy spud bar and barely made a dent in it. Time for another method - lets try our mini tiller - NO GO it wouldn't keep running - finally took it in for tune up, estimate to repair it was almost more then buying a new one. So we found a new carb kit online that also included some other parts the repair place was going change out for just $12, so we decided we would try doing it ourselves. It only took us 20min and it now runs like champ. Thought we were back in business. We'd water down an area each night, then till and remove the dirt. This took a couple more weeks of off and on work. This area where we are putting this runs uphill, so in order to get it leveled required extra dirt removal to get it leveled. Finally, we got it leveled, so we set the foundation in, but then the rains came making it just too mucky to work in. Hoping this week we can start actually building the addition. here are the progression pics to date for up to now, more posts will be made as we progress. 
[Image: 20211005-102841-Need-to-trench-for-the-foundation.jpg]

[Image: 20211005-102908-Uphill-side-will-need-re...tually.jpg]

[Image: 20211005-103011-Iris-will-get-transplant...ewhere.jpg]

[Image: 20211005-103019-Addition-will-add-8ft-to...length.jpg]

[Image: 20211007-103848-Dirt-was-hard-as-cement-...t-done.jpg]

[Image: 20211007-103910-Still-need-to-backfill-some.jpg]

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jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 10-17-2021, 05:47 PM

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