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jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021
(10-30-2021, 12:19 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: Looks great Jil, amazing you two were able to get all the panels in that quick, when you say you had to trim the panels, if they are make of plastic, do you have a special tool to cut them down?

The panels are a polycarbonate material. We cut most using a box knife with a straight edge, but on a few later ones, Jeff did experiment with using his bandsaw and he said it worked as well, we weren't sure it wouldn't just melt it but it didn't. For structural reasons the wall on each side along with and the corresponding roof panels needed the same trimming. It was very time consuming but it all worked out. While Jeff finished up by installing roof opening windows, I once again and for last time, removed leaves from the yard as well as in the gutters on the GH. Funny, we remembered when we used to get leaves from our kids' house to have enough for the garden beds, but that is no longer a problem. With all dust from the ongoing construction next door there was a lot mud that the rains had washed down inside them, but now it too is all cleaned out. There will still be ground work happening, probably come spring of next year but even that should not be heavy dust of the huge dirt mound of them doing their foundation. They are taking so long and they are in no rush (Sadly) as they with their parents right on the other side, its already been 15 months now.

Once we clean out the original gh and complete the raised beds/walk way in addition, I'll post a final completed project that will be ready for early spring planting. Yesterday, we picked up all materials needed for making the raised beds but we are giving ourselves a little well deserved break for a couple days.

Messages In This Thread
jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 10-17-2021, 05:47 PM
RE: jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 10-30-2021, 04:09 PM

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